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with the release of the Witch Queen Dlc on Febuary 22nd it is important to know what will be changing in the game.

New changes

To see some of the new changes coming in the witch queen release check out the video below.

Weapon crafting

Yes after six years destiny 2 will finally be getting weapon crafting. What does this mean? It means you will finally be able to craft the weapon with the rolls and perks that you want. Instead of having to spend hours, days, or even months to get the roll you want.

Image of the crafting station on mars

Void 3.0

With the release of The Witch Queen DLC Bungie has reworked all of the void subclasses. Adding the aspects and fragments that came with the stasis subclasses when Beyond light released in 2021. Image of new void subclass screen Image of new void subclass screen Image of new void subclass screen

New Destination

Savathuns throne world is a new destination filled with secrets just waiting to discovered. Image of savathuns throne world

Legendary Campaign

With the release of the Witch Queen Bungie has added a new difficulty to it,s campaign. Legendary mode in legendary the enemies will hit for double the damage and have twice as much health. But if you manage to complete this task you are well rewarded at the end of the campaign. Image of starting screen for legendary mode

Hive Guardians

With the release of the Witch Queen Bungie has added a new enemy. Hive Guardians these new enemies are able to wield the light as a weapon (The powers that the player has) The witch Queen DLC focuses on these enemies Image of savathuns hive guardians

The Glaive

With the release of the Witch Queen Bungie has added over 40 new weapons including a spear like weapon called the glaive. The glaive can shoot projectiles and throw up a shield to protect you and your allies. Image of a guardian wielding the Glaive

New weapons

With the release of the Witch Queen Bungie has added over 40 new weapons with brand new perks that can make your builds even greater than they have been before. Psychohack is a new Origin Trait in Destiny 2 with the release of The Witch Queen expansion that comes with all weapons acquired from Savathun's Throne World. Sustained damage from the weapon lowers the target's damage output for a short duration. Origin Traits in general are a column added with the release of this expansion. Much like the Intrinsic Traits that exotics in Destiny 2 have, Origin Traits serve as a way to identify the origin and identity of weapon manufacturers. Each of the Year Five weapons will include an Origin Trait. For example, all Veist weapons will now drop with the Veist Stinger Origin Trait. By adding a new column with a bevy of different options depending on the weapon's origin, Bungie has manufactured a reason to farm not only new weapons for an extra perk but the craftable version of that particular weapon. With weapon crafting having been implemented, god rolls are far more attainable and player agency is once again a thing. Image of some new wepons in the witch queen